Monday, 11 April 2016

John Maeda

John Maeda

John Maeda is a designer and technologist. He first studied Maths and computing, then went on to do a doctorate in Graphic Design. This led him to researching and experimenting with the mixing of hi tech computing and simple and clear graphic design. He is one of the people that has set the standard of digital media design today.
I feel his designs are interesting and intriguing but not easily understood by people who have very little computing knowledge. A lot of his design work is typographical. The type creates the image on the design and is not supposed to be legible. 
Maeda has created many amazing and futuristic things, such as a robot that can draw and images made of Jell-O! He seems to have worked across many areas of design and is an inspiration to try a range of experiences and to mix different skills together to get an incredible outcome.


May, Kate Torgovnick. (2012), 4 works from John Maeda that explore the intersection of technology, art and design.   
Available from
[Electronically accessed 31 March, 2016]

KPCB. ­­John Maeda.
Available from
[Electronically accessed 31 March, 2016]

Resnick, Elizabeth. (2000), Reputations: John Maeda.
Available from
[Electronically accessed 31 March, 2016]

Wikipedia. ­­John Maeda.
Available from
[Electronically accessed 31 March, 2016]

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